17th of may favorites

Norway's National day is coming up!

Because we are a Norwegian brand we wanted to highlight this day a little extra by making our 17th of may favorites.


Lavender bags, a natural moth repellant and a must have to keep your bunad and other clothes that you care about safe.


To store søljer and jewelry on the go or to put away when the day is over. Jewelry box round and heart are perfect on the go jewelry boxes. Octa can be used to travel around with too as well as long time storage while jewelry box square has a lot of room and is perfect for long time storage.


As always, kknekki is a favorite. Both to use as bracelets in red, white and blue, and to secure the hairdo for the day. Go to our Kknekki page to see all the Kknekki favorites.


Bon Dep Essentials is our line of products that can carry and protect your beloved belongings. Your favorites deserve to be kept in a nice environment.



Bon Dep Icons is our line of hair accessories. With Icons we focus on bringing out the beautiful with a timeless

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